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Renting in Central Core, Alberta

When you think about living in the heart of Alberta, the first place that comes to mind is Central Core. A vibrant and bustling downtown area, Central Core offers a unique blend of historic charm and modern amenities that make it an attractive option for renters of all types. Whether you’re looking for an apartment, house, or room to rent, Central Core has something to meet your needs.

Why Choose Central Core?

Central Core is at the heart of Alberta's business, entertainment, and cultural districts. With a variety of amenities within walking distance, including shopping, restaurants, parks, and museums, it's an urban dweller's paradise. The area is home to landmarks such as the Alberta Legislature Building and the Art Gallery of Alberta, giving the area a rich cultural vibe.

What to Expect When Renting in Central Core

When it comes to renting in Central Core, you’ll find a variety of options available. From modern high-rise apartments to charming heritage homes, there’s something for everyone. The area is also well-connected with public transportation, making it easy to get around. Plus, with a number of schools, hospitals, and offices nearby, it's an ideal location for families and professionals alike.

Exploring Neighborhoods in Central Core

Central Core is made up of a number of unique neighborhoods, each with its own charm. Here are a few you might consider when looking for a rental:

Jasper Avenue

Jasper Avenue is the main street of Central Core, lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes. This vibrant neighborhood is perfect for young professionals and students, with plenty of entertainment options and easy access to post-secondary institutions like NorQuest College. The area boasts a number of high-rise apartments, making it a great choice for those looking for a modern, urban living experience.


Located to the west of Central Core, Oliver is one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in the city. It's a desirable location for those who appreciate the charm of older homes. In addition to vintage houses, you’ll also find a number of apartment buildings in this area. Oliver is perfect for those who enjoy outdoor activities, with easy access to the River Valley and Victoria Park.

Boyle Street

Boyle Street is one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Central Core. It offers a mix of residential, commercial, and cultural spaces, making it a lively and vibrant place to live. The neighborhood is also home to the Quarters Downtown, a revitalization project that is adding new residential and commercial spaces to the area.

Renting Tips for Central Core

Before you start your rental search in Central Core, here are a few tips to help you navigate the process. Firstly, make a list of your must-have amenities and prioritize them. This will help you narrow down your options. Secondly, consider your commute. Central Core is well-connected, but traffic can be heavy during peak hours. Make sure to check the proximity of your potential rental to public transit or your workplace. Lastly, don’t rush. Take the time to visit different neighborhoods and properties before making a decision.


No matter what you're looking for in a rental, Central Core, Alberta offers a plethora of options that cater to a wide range of preferences and budgets. From the bustling energy of Jasper Avenue to the historic charm of Oliver, there’s a neighborhood in Central Core that’s sure to feel like home. So why wait? Start exploring what Central Core has to offer and find your perfect rental today!


Property type
  • Price
  • Up to 10,000 C$
  • Size
  • At least 1
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